As a warm-up to the DGfS Workshop ‘Proportions and Quantities’ a small mini-workshop will take place at the ZAS on 3.March 14:00-17:30, featuring some of the same speakers. The program is below, and abstracts can be found here.
Uli Sauerland, Stephanie Solt (ZAS Berlin)
Time: 3 March 2015
Venue: ZAS Berlin (room 403)
14:00 | Hedde Zeijlstra (Göttingen) & Viola Schmitt (Vienna) – An even weaker meaning for number |
14:45 | Dorothy Ahn (Harvard) – Additive focus particles too and either |
15:30 | BREAK |
16:00 | Chris Kennedy (University of Chicago) – Number word meaning and type-shifting principles |
16:45 | Stephanie Solt (ZAS) – Q-adjectives, type shifting and crosslinguistic variation |