Workshops are a key component of the collaboration within The individual projects frequently investigate the same phenomenon with different methods, or apply the same method to different phenomena. To foster lively interchange between the projects, includes a workshop program for members as well as for associated projects. In particular, we fund the travel expenses of invited speakers. The workshops could be small ones with 5-10 researchers of or large workshops including also external researchers, e.g. at existing conferences or at the annual meeting of Organizing teams consist of at least two researchers of two different projects from within or an associated project. The deadline is usually mid of May. Decision will be made by the steering board. We fund about 5 to 6 workshops annually with a total budget of 13000 EUR per year.
In January 2020, the steering board decided to fund the following workshops:
- “Alternative approaches to alternatives” as a satellite workshop of Sinn und Bedeutung 2020, UCL, London
- “QUDs and exhaustivity: experiments, computation, and theory” in Graz
- “The Processing of Negation and Polarity” at HU Berlin
In May 2019, the steering board decided to fund the following workshops:
- DGfS Workshop AG 13: “Diversity in pragmatic inferences: experimental data, computational models, and the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface” in Hamburg
- Workshop on “Modal Inferences” in Villa Reimann conference centre in Siracusa, Sicily, Italy
- Workshop “MK40: Common Knowledge, Common Ground, and Context in Communication” in London
In October 2018, the steering board decided to fund the following workshops:
- “Linguistic investigations beyond language: gestures, body movement and primate linguistics” at ZAS Berlin
Cornelia Ebert (ZAS, PSIMS), Uli Sauerland (ZAS, LISI), Jeremy Kuhn (Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS) - “Reasoning, Argumentation, and Logic in Natural Language: Experiments and Models” in Bochum
Markus Werning (BayesPrag@EEG, U Bochum), Matthias Unterhuber (BayesPrag@EEG, U Bochum), Maria Spychalska (ImpliPer, U Cologne), and Eugen Fischer (U East Anglia) - “The semantics and pragmatics of gradable adjectives: Integrating perspectives from linguistic theory, psycholinguistics and modeling” in Cologne
Nicole Gotzner (SIGames, ZAS), Anton Benz (SIGames, ZAS), Barbara Tomaszewicz (InfoPer2, Cologne), Petra Schumacher (InfoPer2, Cologne) and Stephanie Solt (Degree Attenuaters, ZAS) - “Asymmetries in Language: Presuppositions and beyond” at ZAS Berlin
Matthew Mandelkern (University of Oxford), Jacopo Romoli (Ulster University), Uli Sauerland (ZAS) and Florian Schwarz (UPenn)
In June 2018, the steering board decided to fund the following workshops:
- “The meaning of numerals: cognitive, experimental, and semantic perspectives” at ZAS Berlin
(Anton Benz (SiGames, ZAS), Christoph Hesse (SiGames/BAPAGiD, ZAS), Nicole Gotzner (SiGames, ZAS), Stephanie Solt (ZAS) and Paul Egre (CNRS, Paris)) - “Contrasting Underspecification and Overspecification of Discourse relations” at ZAS Berlin
(Anton Benz (SiGames, ZAS), Mingya Liu (SPOCC, Osnabrück), Torgrim Solstad (ZAS Berlin)) - “Exhaustivity in questions and answers – Experimental and theoretical approaches” in Tübingen
(Nadine Bade (ObTrEx, Tübingen), Carla Bombi (ExQ, Potsdam), Lea Fricke (ExQ, Graz), Edgar Onea (ExQ, Graz), Malte Zimmermann (ExQ, Potsdam))
In December 2017 the steering board decided to fund the following workshops:
- “The pragmatics of quantifiers: implicature and presupposition – experiment and theory” at ZAS Berlin
- “Implicit and explicit marking of discourse relations: the comparison between causals vs. conditionals” in Osnabrück
- “Scalar Implicatures: Formal and Experimental Exploration” in Siena
(Salvatore Pistoia-Reda (ZAS Berlin, U Siena), Uli Sauerland (ZAS Berlin), Filippo Domaneschi (U Genoa for, Valentina Bianchi (U Siena)) - “Computational Models of Language Generation and Processing in Pragmatics” in Bochum
(Anton Benz (SiGames, ZAS Berlin), Michael Franke (Pro^3, Tübingen), Markus Werning (BayesPrag@EEG, Bochum) together with the DFG-project BAPAGiD (Ralf Klabunde, U Bochum, and Anton Benz & Christoph Hesse, ZAS Berlin))
In June 2016 the steering board decided to fund the following workshops:
- “XPrag meets historical pragmatics” in Cologne (Gerhard Jäger (ProComPrag), Ira Noveck (CNRS Lyon) and Petra Schumacher (InfoPer))
- “Cross-linguistic Pragmatics” at ZAS Berlin (Uli Sauerland (SSI) and Malte Zimmermann (ExCl))
- “Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Presuppositions” in Genoa (Filippo Domaneschi (Genoa, EXPRESS), Uli Sauerland (SSI) and Edgar Onea (ExCl))
- “Non-At-Issue Meaning and Information Structure” in Oslo (Nadine Bade (ObTrEx), Patrick Grosz (UiO), Pritty Patel-Grosz (UiO) and Uli Sauerland (SSI))
- “Revising formal semantic and pragmatic theories from a neurocognitive” in Bochum (Maria Spychalska (InfoPer) and Markus Werning (Ruhr University of Bochum))
In May 2015 the steering board decided to fund the following workshops:
- “Trends in Experimental Pragmatics” at ZAS Berlin (Uli Sauerland and Petra Schumacher)
- “Questions, Answers and Negation” at ZAS Berlin (projects “YesNo”, “BiasQ” and “MoLCINS”)
- “Rationality, Probability, and Pragmatics” at ZAS Berlin (projects “SSI”, “SIGames”, “ProComPrag” and the associated project “Coherence-based probability logic: Rationality under uncertainty (SPP1516)”
- “The role of pragmatic factors in child language processing” at HU Berlin (projects “CoGCI” and “FoTeRo”)
- “Disjunction Days” at ZAS Berlin (Nicole Gotzner (SIGames, ZAS), Maribel Romero (BiasQ, Universität Konstanz) and Uli Sauerland (SSI, ZAS))
In October 2014 the steering board decided to fund the following workshops:
- “Proportion and Quantity” (project “SSI” and associated project “Scales”)
- “Perspective-taking” (project “InfoPer” and associated project “Demonstratives”)
- “Formal and experimental pragmatics: methodological issues of a nascent liaison” (projects “SIGames” and “ProComPrag”)
- “Experimental and crosslinguistic evidence for the distinction between implicatures and presuppositions” (projects “ObTrEx”, “ExCl” and “SSI”)