Claus, Berry, Felix Frühauf & Manfred Krifka. 2019. Interpreting polarity-ambiguous propositional anaphors with negative antecedents: some experimental results. In M. Teresa Espinal, Elena Castroviejo, Manuel Leonetti, Louise McNally, & Cristina Real-Puigdollers (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Vol. 1, 267–284. Retrieved from
Meijer, Marlijn & Sophie Repp. 2018. Modal subordination of propositional anaphora: On the role of tense and the modal particle ook in contextual counterfactuals in Dutch. In Rob Truswell, Chris Cummins, Caroline Heycock, Brian Rabern, & Hannah Rohde (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, Vol. 2, 881–898. Retrieved from
Meijer, Marlijn. 2018. The Pragmatics and Semantics of Embedded Polar Responses with English so. In Proceedings of West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 35, 269–279. USA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Somerville, MA. Retrieved from
Claus, Berry, A. Marlijn Meijer, Sophie Repp & Manfred Krifka. 2017. Puzzling response particles: An experimental study on the German answering system. Semantics and Pragmatics 10. DOI:
Meijer, A. Marlijn. 2016. Referring to propositions ‘inside’ a negated one: the modal particles auch and ook in contextual counterfactuals. In Proceedings of the 24th Conference of the Student Organisation of Linguistics in Europe (ConSole XXIV), 19–44. University of York and York St John University. Retrieved from
Meijer, A. Marlijn, Berry Claus, Sophie Repp & Manfred Krifka. 2015. Particle Responses to Negated Assertions: Preference Patterns for German ‘ja’ and ‘nein’. In Thomas Brochhagen, Floris Roelofsen, & Nadine Theiler (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Amsterdam Colloquium, 286–295. University of Amsterdam: Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC). Retrieved from
Repp, Sophie. 2019, October. How ambiguous are response particles? The role of prosody and type of antecedent clause. Invited talk presented at the Information Structure and Ambiguity: The Process of Integrating Sentences into Discourse, Tübingen.
Loos, Cornelia, Sophie Repp, A. Marlijn Meijer & Markus Steinbach. 2019, September. Affirming and rejecting negative assertions in German Sign Language (DGS). Talk presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 24, Universität Osnabrück.
Repp, Sophie. 2019, May. Yes/No, response particles are not trivial! German and German Sign Language in the multimethodical data lab and under the theoretical microscope. Invited talk, Universität Amsterdam. Retrieved from
Loos, Cornelia, Marlijn Meijer, Markus Steinbach & Sophie Repp. 2019, February. Responding to negative assertions A typological perspective on ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in German Sign Language. Talk presented at the Institut Jean Nicod, Paris.
Claus, Berry, Felix Frühauf & Manfred Krifka. 2018, September. Negation and polarity-ambiguous propositional anaphors. Talk presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 23, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Retrieved from
Repp, Sophie, A. Marlijn Meijer & Nathalie Scherf. 2018, September. Responding to negative assertions in Germanic: On ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in English, Dutch and Swedish. Talk presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 23, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Frühauf, Felix, Berry Claus, Manfred Krifka, Marlijn Meijer & Sophie Repp. 2017, June. Two response systems for German ‘ja’ and ‘nein’? : Evidence from usage preference data and interpretation data. Talk presented at the 7th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2017, Cologne. Retrieved from
Krifka, Manfred. 2017, May. Epistemic, Evidential and Discourse Modalities in Commitment Space Semantics. Talk presented at the Workshop “Non-At-Issue Meaning and Information Structure”, University of Oslo. Retrieved from
Meijer, A. Marlijn. 2017, March. How believing so is different from believing it. Talk presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Saarbrücken.
Repp, Sophie, A. Marlijn Meijer & Berry Claus. 2017, January. A cross-linguistic view on speaker variation in the interpretation of response particles. Talk presented at the Workshop “Cross-linguistic Pragmatics”, ZAS Berlin.
Krifka, Manfred. 2016, December. Responses to assertions and polarity questions: Formal proposals, experimental results. Invited talk presented at the 12th European Conference on Formal Descriptions of Slavic Languages, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Meijer, A. Marlijn. 2016, October. Arguing so and keeping track of the common ground. Talk presented at the LingLunch, University of Connecticut, Storrs.
Krifka, Manfred. 2016, May. Assertions and Questions in Commitment Space Semantics. Talk presented at the Workshop ‘Dynamic Semantics’, ZAS Berlin.
Claus, Berry, Marlijn Meijer, Sophie Repp & Manfred Krifka. 2016, February. Polarity particles in response to negated antecedents: Two groups of speakers for German ja and nein. Talk presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Konstanz.
Claus, Berry, A. Marlijn Meijer, Sophie Repp & Manfred Krifka. 2016, January. Particle responses to negative assertions and questions: Two groups of speakers for the German response particles ‘ja’ and ‘nein’. Talk presented at the Workshop on “Questions, Answers and Negation”, ZAS Berlin.
Claus, Berry, Sophie Repp, Marlijn Meijer & Manfred Krifka. 2015, June. Puzzling response particles: An experimental study on German ‘ja’ and ‘nein’. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of 2015, Göttingen. Retrieved from
Loos, Cornelia, Sophie Repp & Markus Steinbach. 2019, November. Response elements in German Sign Language (DGS). Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2019, ZAS Berlin.
Loos, Cornelia, Markus Steinbach & Sophie Repp. 2019, November. YesNo. Response elements in German Sign Language (DGS). Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2019, ZAS Berlin. Retrieved from
Loos, Cornelia, Sophie Repp & A. Marlijn Meijer. 2019, September. Affirming and rejecting negative assertions in German Sign Language (DGS). Poster presented at the Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, Hamburg.
Loos, Cornelia, Markus Steinbach & Sophie Repp. 2019, April. Responding to positive and negative assertions in German Sign Language (DGS). Poster presented at the GLOW 43, Berlin. Retrieved from
Repp, Sophie & Marlijn Meijer. 2018, June. A prosodic production study of the German response particles ‘ja’, ‘nein’ and ‘doch’. Poster, Graz. Retrieved from
Meijer, Marlijn. 2017, September. The pragmatics of embedded propositional proforms: embedding it, that and the NCA. Poster presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 22, ZAS Berlin & Potsdam University. Retrieved from
Meijer, A. Marlijn & Sophie Repp. 2016, September. Modal subordination of propositions: the Dutch and German modal particles ook and auch and the subjunctive. Poster presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 21, University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from
Repp, Sophie, A. Marlijn Meijer & Berry Claus. 2016, June. Response particles: The case of English (in comparison to German). Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2016, Tübingen. Retrieved from
Meijer, A. Marlijn & Sophie Repp. 2016, June. Referring to propositions ‘inside’ a negated one: The role of the subjunctive and of modal particles. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2016, Tübingen. Retrieved from
Claus, Berry, Felix Frühauf, Sophie Repp, A. Marlijn Meijer & Manfred Krifka. 2016, June. Particle responses to negative polar questions with high vs. low negation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2016, Tübingen. Retrieved from
Krifka, Manfred. 2015, May. Bias in commitment space semantics: declarative questions, negated questions, and question tags. Poster presented at the Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference (SALT) 25, Stanford University.
Claus, Berry, Marlijn Meijer, Sophie Repp & Manfred Krifka. 2015. Are response particles not well understood? Yes/No, they aren’t!: An experimental study on German ja and nein. Poster presented at the SemDial 2015 - goDIAL. The 19th workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue, Gothenburg.