Capuano, Francesca & Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2023. Using circles games to investigate the referential use of negation. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 38(1). 65–76. DOI:
Rück, Franziska & Dudschig, Carolin & Mackenzie, Ian G. & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2022. Following negative search instructions: the role of visual context. Language and Cognition 14(3). 479–499. DOI:
Rück, Franziska & Dudschig, Carolin & Mackenzie, Ian G. & Vogt, Anne & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2021. The Role of Predictability During Negation Processing in Truth-Value Judgment Tasks. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 50(6). 1437–1459. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara & Svaldi, Jennifer & Gulewitsch, Marco Daniel. 2021. Negation Processing in Children with ADHD: The Generic Problem of Using Negation in Instructions. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 50(6). 1309–1320. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara & Liu, Mingya & Schwab, Juliane. 2021. The Processing of Negation and Polarity: An Overview. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 50(6). 1199–1213. DOI:
Clifton, Charles & Frazier, Lyn & Kaup, Barbara. 2021. Negative clauses imply affirmative topics and affirmative antecedents. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 50(6). 1261–1282. DOI:
Albu, Elena & Tsaregorodtseva, Oksana & Kaup, Barbara. 2021. Contrary to Expectations: Does Context Influence the Processing Cost Associated with Negation? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 50(6). 1215–1242. DOI:
Capuano, Francesca & Dudschig, Carolin & Günther, Fritz & Kaup, Barbara. 2021. Semantic Similarity of Alternatives Fostered by Conversational Negation. Cognitive Science 45(7). e13015. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2021. Pictorial vs. linguistic negation: Investigating negation in imperatives across different symbol domains. Acta Psychologica 214. 103266. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2020. Negation as conflict: Conflict adaptation following negating vertical spatial words. Brain and Language 210. 104842. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2020. Can We Prepare to Negate? Negation as a Reversal Operator. Journal of Cognition 3(1). 32. DOI:
Kaup, Barbara & Dudschig, Carolin. 2020. Understanding Negation: Issues in the processing of negation. In Viviane Déprez & M. Teresa Espinal (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Negation, 1st ed., 635–655. Oxford University Press. DOI:
Kaup, Barbara & Dudschig, Carolin. 2020. Understanding Negation: Issues in the processing of negation. In Viviane Déprez & M. Teresa Espinal (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Negation, 635–655. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
Dudschig, Carolin & Mackenzie, Ian Grant & Maienborn, Claudia & Kaup, Barbara & Leuthold, Hartmut. 2019. Negation and the N400: investigating temporal aspects of negation integration using semantic and world-knowledge violations. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 34(3). 309–319. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Mackenzie, Ian Grant & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2018. Environmental sound priming: Does negation modify N400 cross-modal priming effects? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 25(4). 1441–1448. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2017. How Does ‘Not Left’ Become ‘Right’? Electrophysiological Evidence for a Dynamic Conflict-Bound Negation Processing Account. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 44(5). 716–728. DOI:
Rück, Franziska & de la Vega, Irmgard & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2017. Integration of Visual Information about the Speaker during Sentence Processing. In S. Featherston & R. Hörnig & R. Steinberg & B. Umbreit & J. Wallis (eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2016: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives,. Tübingen: University of Tübingen. DOI:
Kaup, Barbara & Dudschig, Carolin. 2016. Sätze und Texte verstehen und produzieren. In Müsseler J. & Rieger M. (eds.), Allgemeine Psychologie, 467–530. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Retrieved from
Dudschig, Carolin & Maienborn, Claudia & Kaup, Barbara. 2016. These lemons are sour: Investigating the influence of demonstrative determiners on the N400 complex. Neuroscience Letters 630. 141–146. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Maienborn, Claudia & Kaup, Barbara. 2016. Is there a difference between stripy journeys and stripy ladybirds? The N400 response to semantic and world-knowledge violations during sentence processing. Brain and Cognition 103. 38–49. DOI:
Günther, F. & Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2016. Latent Semantic Analysis cosines as a cognitive similarity measure: Evidence from priming studies. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69. 626–653.
Dudschig, Carolin & Mackenzie, Ian & Strozyk, J. & Kaup, Barbara & Leuthold, Hartmut. 2016. The sounds of sentences: Differentiating the influence of physical sound, sound imagery, and linguistically implied sounds on physical sound processing. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 16. 940–961.
Dudschig, Carolin & de la Vega, Irmgard & Kaup, Barbara. 2015. To fly or not to fly? The automatic influence of negation on language–space associations. Cognitive Processing 16. 203–207. DOI:
Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2020, October. Negation and its associations in the non-linguistic domain. Talk presented at the The Processing of Negation and Polarity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, online.
Albu, Elena & Dudschig, Carolin & Warren, Tessa & Kaup, Barbara. 2020, October. Does negation influence the choice of sentence continuations? Evidence from a four-choice cloze task. Talk presented at the Processing of Negation and Polarity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, online.
Kaup, Barbara. 2019, August. When do comprehenders take into account pragmatic aspects of negation during comprehension? Talk presented at the Evening lecture at the DGfS Summerschool 2019 “Experimental Pragmatics: Theory, Methods, Interfaces”, ZAS Berlin.
Kaup, Barbara. 2018, January. One vs. two-step models of comprehension: Investigations employing negative sentences. Talk, University of California, San Diego.
Kaup, Barbara. 2017, June. The processing of negative sentences: When is the pragmatics of negation taken into account? Talk presented at the The Pragmatics of Negation - Aspects of Communication, Stockholm.
Kaup, Barbara. 2017, April. The processing of negative sentences: How does negation influence simulation processes during comprehension and when is the pragmatics of negation taken into account? Talk presented at the Negation and Negativity in Natural Language, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Kaup, Barbara. 2016, July. One- vs. two-step models of comprehension. Talk presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Universität Kassel.
de la Vega, Irmgard & Mackenzie, Ian & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2016, July. “Is the pragmatics of negation taken into account during reading? Evidence from an eye-tracking study. Talk presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse, Universität Kassel.
Kaup, Barbara. 2016, May. The processing of negative sentences: How does negation influence simulation processes during comprehension and when is the pragmatics of negation taken into account? Talk presented at the Negation Workshop, Université de Genève.
de la Vega, Irmgard & Mackenzie, Ian & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2016, January. Does negation modulate effects of plausibility during reading? Talk presented at the Workshop on “Questions, Answers and Negation”, ZAS Berlin.
Kaup, Barbara & Maienborn, Claudia. 2015, September. Is there a difference between four-legged spiders and four-legged sounds? The processing of linguistic vs. nonlinguistic knowledge. Talk presented at the Workshop “25 Jahre Kognitionswissenschaft Universität Hamburg", Universität Hamburg.
Rück, Franziska & Dudschig, Carolin & Mackenzie, Ian G. & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2019, November. The influence of informativeness and predictability on the processing of negation. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2019, ZAS Berlin.
Rück, Franziska & Dudschig, Carolin & Mackenzie, Ian G. & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2019, June. Using negation to refer to exceptions: Do comprehenders take into account pragmatic aspects of negation when identifying targets in a visual world paradigm? Poster presented at the 8th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2019, Edinburgh. Retrieved from
Rück, Franziska & Leuthold, Hartmut & Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2018. Is negation used to predict upcoming referents in a visual world paradigm? Poster presented at the 60. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Marburg.
Hurler, Fabian & Rück, Franziska & Strozyk, Jessica & Dudschig, Carolin & Kaup, Barbara. 2018. Speaker characteristics and negation in context. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2018, Graz, Austria.
Link, Eva & Schneider, Holger & Schopf, Kristina & Schwille, Marcel & Rück, Franziska & Kaup, Barbara. 2017, June. Does it matter who is producing an utterance?: Effect of speaker identity in utterances without self-reference. Poster presented at the 7th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2017, Universität zu Köln. Retrieved from
Rück, F. & Landenberger, L. & Vennewald, F. & Vega, I. de la & Kaup, B. 2017. Does personality influence the integration of speaker characteristics? Poster presented at the 59. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.
Rück, Franziska & Dudschig, Carolin & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2017. No bone but a button: Negation and search for referents in a visual world. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2017, University of Cologne.
de la Vega, Irmgard & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2016, September. Pragmatic aspects of negation processing: Evidence from eye-tracking studies. Poster presented at the 22nd AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2016), Bilbao, Spain.
de la Vega, Irmgard & Mackenzie, Ian & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2016, June. Is the pragmatics of negation taken into account during reading? Evidence from an eye-tracking study. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Rück, Franziska & de la Vega, Irmgard & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2016, February. Integration of visual information about the speaker during sentence processing. Poster presented at the conference Linguistic Evidence 2016: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives, University of Tübingen.
Rück, Franziska & Vega, Irmgard de la & Leuthold, Hartmut & Kaup, Barbara. 2016. Integration of visual Information about the Speaker. Poster presented at the 58.Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Heidelberg.
Kaup, Barbara & Leuthold, Hartmut. 2015, June. One- versus two-step models of language comprehension: Investigations employing negative sentences. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of 2015, Göttingen.