Editorial Work
Sauerland, Uli & Solt, Stephanie (eds.). 2018. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22, 1. ZAS Berlin. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.21248/zaspil.60.2018.450
Sauerland, Uli & Solt, Stephanie (eds.). 2018. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22, 2. ZAS Berlin. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.21248/zaspil.61.2018.480
Pistoia-Reda, Salvatore & Domaneschi, Filippo (eds.). 2017. Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches on Implicatures and Presuppositions. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50696-8
Meyer, Marie-Christine & Feiman, Roman. 2021. Priming reveals similarities and differences between three purported cases of implicature: Some, number and free choice disjunctions. Journal of Memory and Language 120. 104206. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jml.2020.104206
Ahn, Dorothy & Saha, Ankana & Sauerland, Uli. 2021. Positively polar plurals: Theory and predictions. Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 30. 450–463. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3765/salt.v30i0.4851
Sauerland, Uli & Hollebrandse, Bart & Kratochvíl, František. 2020. When hypotaxis looks like parataxis: embedding and complementizer agreement in Teiwa. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 5(1). 89. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.931
Meyer, Marie-Christine. 2019. Scalar implicatures in complex contexts. On remind-me presuppositions and embedded question acts. Snippets: Special Issue in Honor of Uli Sauerland 37. 67–69. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7358/snip-2019-037-meye
Elliott, Patrick D. & Sauerland, Uli. 2019. Ineffability and Unexhaustification. In M.Teresa Espinal & Elena Castroviejo & Manuel Leonetti & Louise McNally & Cristina Real-Puigdollers (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 23, Vol. 1, 399–412. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.18148/sub/2019.v23i1.540
Bade, Nadine & Nakanishi, Ryota & Sode, Frank & Iida, Y. & Ihara, S. & Ebara, M. & … Sauerland, Uli. 2019. Japanese particles ‚wa’ and ‚ga’ as scope markers of EXH. In Tatiana Bondarenko & Colin Davis & Justin Colley & Dmitry Privoznov (eds.), Proceedings of 14th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL), 21–28. MIT Press. Retrieved from https://mitwpl.mit.edu/catalog/#mitwpl%20#90
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sugawara, Ayaka & Sauerland, Uli. 2019. Quantifier Scope and Intonation in German Vol. 2, 730–743. Presented at the 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD). Retrieved from https://www.lingref.com/bucld/43/BUCLD43-57.pdf
Alxatib, Sam & Sauerland, Uli. 2019. Vagueness. In The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics, 331–353. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sauerland, Uli. 2019. How to be Brief: Children’s and Adults’ Application of Grice’s Brevity Maxim in Production. Languages 4(1). 18. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/languages4010018
Sauerland, Uli & Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2018. The Acquisition of Disjunctions: Evidence from German Children. In Rob Truswell & Chris Cummins & Caroline Heycock & Brian Rabern & Hannah Rohde (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, Vol. 2, 1065–1072. University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/sub/index.php/sub/article/view/184
Bobaljik, J.D. & Sauerland, Uli. 2018. ABA and the combinatorics of morphological features. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 3(1). 15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.345
Sauerland, Uli. 2018. The Thought Uniqueness Hypothesis. In Sireemas Maspong & Brynhildur Stefánsdóttir & Katherine Blake & Forrest Davis (eds.), Proceedings of the Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference (SALT) 28, 289–306. Linguistic Society of America. Retrieved from https://journals.linguisticsociety.org/proceedings/index.php/SALT/article/view/28.289
Sauerland, Uli. 2018. False speech reports in Pirahã: a comprehension experiment. In Luiz Amaral & Marcus Maia & Andrew Nevins & Tom Roeper (eds.), Recursion across domains, 21–34. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018. Counterparts block some ‘de re’ readings. English Linguistics 35. 38–64. Retrieved from https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/jZiNmM4N/Sauerland.pdf
Sauerland, Uli & Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2017. Remind-Me Presuppositions and Speech-Act Decomposition: Evidence from Particles in Questions. Linguistic Inquiry 48(4). 651–678. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1162/LING_a_00257
Sauerland, Uli & Paul, Pooja. 2017. Discrete Infinity and the Syntax-semantics Interface. Revista Linguistica 13(2). 28. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31513/linguistica.2017.v13n2a14031
Meyer, Marie-Christine & Sauerland, Uli. 2017. Covert across-the-board movement revisited: Free choice and the scope of modals. In Andrew Lamont & Katerina Tetzloff (eds.), Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS), Vol. 2, 275–288. University of Massachusetts: GLSA (Graduate Linguistics Student Association).
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sauerland, Uli. 2017. A filled gap stage in German relative clause acquisition 814–827. Presented at the 42nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Somerville, MA: Cascadilla.
Sauerland, Uli & Tamura, Ayaka & Koizumi, Masatoshi & Tomlinson, John Michael. 2017. Tracking Down Disjunction. In Mihoko Otake & Setsuya Kurahashi & Yuiko Ota & Ken Satoh & Daisuke Bekki (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. JSAI-isAI 2015 Workshops, LENLS, JURISIN, AAA, HAT-MASH, TSDAA, ASD-HR, and SKL, Kanagawa, Japan, November 16–18, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, 109–121. Heidelberg: Springer, Cham. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50953-2_9
Sauerland, Uli. 2017. A note on grammaticality and analyticity. Snippets 31. 22–23.
Sauerland, Uli. 2017. On antecedent contained ellipsis in Continental West Germanic: Explaining the subject coreference constraint. Wiener Linguistische Gazette (WLG)82 263–270. Retrieved from https://wlg.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/p_wlg/822017/A_Festschrift_Prinzhorn.pdf
Sauerland, Uli & Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2017. Coordination and scope in Japanese: an argument for verb movement with verb phrase. In A font to Fest Kyle Johnson, 337–339. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Amherst. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.umass.edu/linguist_oapubs/1/
Sauerland, Uli. 2017. Disjunction and Implicatures: Some Notes on Recent Developments. In Chungmin Lee & Ferenc Kiefer & Manfred Krifka (eds.), Contrastiveness in Information Structure, Alternatives and Scalar Implicatures, 245–259. Springer, Cham.
Romoli, Jacopo & Sauerland, Uli. 2017. Presupposition and accommodation. In Anne Barron & Yueguo Gu & Gerard Steen (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Pragmatics, 257–276. London: Routledge.
Ahn, Dorothy & Sauerland, Uli. 2017. Measure constructions with relative measures: Towards a syntax of non-conservative construals. The Linguistic Review 34(2). 215–248. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/tlr-2017-0001
Pistoia-Reda, Salvatore & Romoli, Jacopo. 2017. Oddness in Conjunction. In Salvatore Pistoia-Reda & Filippo Domaneschi (eds.), Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Presuppositions and Implicatures, 55–71. Palgrave Macmillan.
Pistoia-Reda, Salvatore & Domaneschi, Filippo. 2017. Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives on Meaning and Communication. In Salvatore Pistoia-Reda & Filippo Domaneschi (eds.), Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches to Presuppositions and Implicatures, 1–8. Palgrave Macmillan.
Pistoia-Reda, Salvatore. 2017. Contextual blindness in implicature computation. Natural Language Semantics 25. 109–124. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11050-016-9131-6
Sauerland, Uli & Grohmann, Kleanthes K. & Guasti, Maria Teresa & Anđelković, Darinka & Argus, Reili & Armon-Lotem, Sharon & … Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2016. How do 5-year-olds understand questions? Differences in languages across Europe. First Language 36(3). 169–202. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0142723716640236
Sauerland, Uli & Schumacher, Petra B. 2016. Pragmatics: Theory and Experiment Growing Together. Linguistische Berichte (245). 3–24. Retrieved from https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/buske/lingber/2016/00002016/00000245/art00001
Varlokosta, Spyridoula & Belletti, Adriana & Costa, João & Friedmann, Naama & Gavarró, Anna & K. Grohmann, Kleanthes & … Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2016. A cross-linguistic study of the acquisition of clitic and pronoun production. Language Acquisition 23(1). 1–26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10489223.2015.1028628
Sauerland, Uli. 2016. On the definition of sentence. Theoretical Linguistics 42. 147–153.
Nicolae, Andreea & Sauerland, Uli. 2016. A contest of strength: or versus either or. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20, 551–568. Retrieved from https://semanticsarchive.net/sub2015/SeparateArticles/Nicolae-Sauerland-SuB20.pdf
Sauerland, Uli. 2016. The form of bound pronouns: Towards a uniform account. In Patrick Georg Grosz & Pritty Patel-Grosz (eds.), The Impact of Pronominal Form on Interpretation, 169–188. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1515/9781614517016-007
Armon-Lotem, Sharon & Haman, Ewa & López, Kristine Jensen de & Smoczynska, Magdalena & Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Szczerbinski, Marcin & … Lely, Heather van der. 2016. A large-scale cross-linguistic investigation of the acquisition of passive. Language Acquisition 23(1). 27–56. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10489223.2015.1047095
Katsos, Napoleon & Cummins, Chris & Ezeizabarrena, Maria-José & Gavarró, Anna & Kraljević, Jelena Kuvač & Hrzica, Gordana & … Noveck, Ira. 2016. Cross-linguistic patterns in the acquisition of quantifiers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 113(33). 9244–9249. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1601341113
Tieu, Lyn & Yatsushiro, K. & Cremers, Alexandre & Romoli, Jacopo & Sauerland, Uli & Chemla, Emmanuel. 2016. On the Role of Alternatives in the Acquisition of Simple and Complex Disjunctions in French and Japanese. Journal of Semantics 34(1). 127–152. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/jos/ffw010
Mitrović, Moreno & Sauerland, Uli. 2016. Two conjunctions are better than one. Acta Linguistica Hungarica 63(4). 471–494. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1556/064.2016.63.4.5
Ahn, Dorothy & Sauerland, Uli. 2015. Non-Conservative Quantification with Proportional Quantifiers: Crosslinguistic Data. In Thuy Bui & Deniz Ozyildiz (eds.) 1–11. Presented at the 45th annual meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology: GLSA, UMass.
Mayr, Clemens & Sauerland, Uli. 2015. Accommodation and the Strongest Meaning Hypothesis. In Thomas Brochhagen & Floris Roelofsen & Nadine Theiler (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Amsterdam Colloquium, 276–285. Retrieved from https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/mVkOTk2N/AC2015-proceedings.pdf
Ahn, Dorothy & Sauerland, Uli. 2015. The grammar of relative measurement 125–142. Presented at the Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference (SALT) 25.
Sauerland, Uli & Tamura, Ayaka & Koizumi, Masatoshi & Tomlinson, John M. 2015. Tracking Down Disjunction. In Daisuke Bekki (ed.). Presented at the Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 12.
Sauerland, Uli. 2015. Das Wort ‘oder’: Die Labormaus der experimentellen Pragmatik. In GWZ, Bericht über das Forschungsjahr 2014, 109–115. Berlin: GWZ.
Crnič, Luka & Sauerland, Uli (eds.). 2014. Counterparts block some de re readings. In The Art and Craft of Semantics, Vol. 2, 65–85. Cambridge: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. Retrieved from https://mitwpl.mit.edu/catalog/mwpl71
Mitrovic, Moreno & Sauerland, Uli. 2014. Decomposing Coordination. In Proceedings of 44th annual meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS), Vol. 2, 39–52. University of Connecticut: GLSA.
Sauerland, Uli & Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2014. Japanese Reported Speech within the Emerging Typology of Speech Reports. In Shigeto Kawahara & Mika Igarashi (eds.), Proceedings of FAJL 7: Formal Approaches to Japanese Linguistics, 191–202. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz8d8ZE7fhuTSEZZdks0Z0NPVzQ/view
Sauerland, Uli & Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2014. Das Japanische und das Koreanische. In Manfred Krifka & Joanna Błaszczak & Annette Leßmöllmann & André Sichter & Barbara Stiebels & Rosemarie Tracy & Hubert Truckenbrodt (eds.), Das mehrsprachige Klassenzimmer, 271–288. Heidelberg: Springer. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-34315-5_12
Crnič, Luka & Pesetsky, David & Sauerland, Uli. 2014. Introduction: Irene Heim–Biographical Notes. In Luka Crnič & Uli Sauerland (eds.), The Art and Craft of Semantics, Vol. 1, 1–7. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics. Retrieved from https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/jZiNmM4N/CrnicPesetskySauerland.pdf
Sauerland, Uli. 2014. Intermediate scalar implicatures. In Salvatore Pistoia-Reda (ed.), Pragmatics, semantics and the case of scalar implicatures, 72–98. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bz8d8ZE7fhuTM2RJZW5tVU1qdFk/edit?pli=1
Sauerland, Uli. 2014. Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence (and Ordinary Ones Require Ordinary Evidence): On Experimental Linguistics for Less Well Studied Languages. Revista Da ABRALIN 13. 121–149. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307701783_Extraordinary_claims_require_extraordinary_evidence_and_ordinary_ones_require_ordinary_evidence_on_experimental_linguistics_for_less_well_studied_languages
Meyer, Marie-Christine. 2021, July. Is implicature reducible to rational and/or cooperative behavior? Invited talk presented at the Workshop: Approaches to implicature: Rational choice and/or exhaustification, 32nd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI), online.
Meyer, Marie-Christine. 2020, January. Epistemic norms of assertion as implicatures. Invited talk presented at the From T to C: The Grammatical Representatino of Tense and Speech Acts, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Sauerland, Uli. 2019, November. Compression within a generative view of thought and language. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2019, ZAS Berlin.
Sauerland, Uli. 2019, November. Compression within a Generative View of Thought and Language. Invited talk presented at the Colloquium, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
Sauerland, Uli. 2019, November. Conservativity. Invited talk presented at the The DP-Border: Syntax and Semantics, ZAS Berlin.
Sauerland, Uli. 2019, October. Compression within a Generative View of Thought and Language. Invited talk presented at the COSY Workshop on Speech and Attitude Reports, Museo Goeldi, Belém.
Sauerland, Uli. 2019, September. Compression within a Generative View of Thought and Language. Invited talk presented at the Colloquium, Harvard University, Cambridge.
Elliott, Patrick D. & Sauerland, Uli. 2019, June. Nuclear intervention: Deriving Beck effects via cyclic-scope and local exhaustification. Talk presented at the Exhaustivity in Questions and Answers – Experimental and theoretical approaches, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Bassi, Itai & Pinal, Guillermo Del & Sauerland, Uli. 2019, June. Presupposing exhaustification. Talk presented at the Exhaustivity in Questions and Answers – Experimental and theoretical approaches, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sugawara, Ayaka & Sauerland, Uli. 2019, March. Children know the great scope inversion conspiracy. Invited talk, Universität Wien.
Sauerland, Uli. 2019, March. Adverbs in collective conjunction. Invited talk, Universität Wien.
Sauerland, Uli. 2019. Linguistic investigations beyond language: Gestures, body movement and primate linguistics. Invited talk presented at the Superlinguistics in Berlin, ZAS Berlin.
Hirsch, Aron & Sauerland, Uli. 2019. Adverbs in collective conjunction. Talk presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2019), New York.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, December. Forbidding Forbidden: A Feasible Crosslinguistic Universal? Invited talk presented at the ModUni1, Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, Leiden (Netherlands).
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, December. Notes on Super Linguistics and Animal Communication. Talk presented at the Introduction to Super Linguistics, U Oslo.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, November. Alternative Generation and Cyclic Scope. Invited talk, Diderot U Paris.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, October. The Thought Uniqueness Hypothesis. Talk presented at the 44th Generative Grammatik des Südens (GGS), Universität Potsdam.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sugawara, Ayaka & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, September. Effect of intonation contour on scope: evidence from Language Acquisition. Talk presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 23, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, August. The thought uniqueness hypothesis. Talk presented at the Special lectures on Linguistics, Hokkaido University.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, August. Filled-Gap stage of relative clause acquisition. Talk presented at the Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences, Bunkyo Gakuin U.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sugawara, Ayaka & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, August. The effect of intonation contour on ambiguity resolution: Evidence from German. Talk presented at the Comparative Syntax and Language Acquisition Workshop 8, Nanzan U.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sugawara, Ayaka & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, August. The effect of Intonation Contour on Scope: evidence from Language Acquisition. Talk presented at the Special lectures on Linguistics, Hokkaido U.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Suagawara, Ayaka & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, August. The effect of Intonation Contour on Scope: evidence from Language Acquisition. Talk presented at the Workshop on Language Acquisition, Ochanomizu U.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, July. The thought uniqueness hypothesis. Talk presented at the Workshop on On Development of Logical Language and Mathematical Concepts, Osaka University.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, July. The thought uniqueness hypothesis. Talk, Keio University.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, July. The thought uniqueness hypothesis. Talk, Mie University.
Pistoia Reda, Salvatore & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, July. Degrees of Analyticity. Talk presented at the Scalar Implicatures: Formal and Experimental Exploration, U Siena.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, July. Targeted Elicitation in the Study of Indigenous Language. Talk presented at the 56th International Congress of Americanists, U Salamanca.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sugawara, Ayaka & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, July. Effect of intonation contour on scope: evidence from Language Acquisition. Talk presented at the Workshop on Ambiguity–Theory, Development, and Processing, U Göttingen.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, June. The thought uniqueness hypothesis. Talk presented at the Workshop on Semantic Plurality, Wien University.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, June. Nonconservative uses of fractions. Talk presented at the The pragmatics of quantifiers: implicature and presupposition – experiment and theory, ZAS Berlin.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Alexiadou, Artemis & Geçkin, Vasfiye & Harmati-Pap, Veronika & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, June. Plural is unmarked: evidence from Turkish, Hungarian, and German. Talk presented at the Workshop on Semantic Plurality, U Wien.
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, May. The thought uniqueness hypothesis. Talk presented at the Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference (SALT) 28, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Retrieved from https://salt28mit.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/sauerland-thought-uniqueness-hypothesis.pdf
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Alexiadou, Artemis & Geckin, Vasifye & Harmati-Pap, Veronika & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, February. The plural is unmarked: Turkish, German and Hungarian evidence. Talk presented at the 19th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics, Szklarska Poręba, Poland.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Alexiadou, Artemis & Geçkin, Vasfiye & Harmati-Pap, Veronika & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, January. The Plural is unmarked. Talk presented at the OASIS workshop on Nominal Phrase Meaning, HU Berlin.
Pistoia Reda, Salvatore & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, January. Degrees of Analyticity. Talk presented at the Italian Society for the Philosophy of Language, U Milan.
Sauerland, Uli. 2017, October. Large-Scale Acquisition Studies: Applied and Theoretical Insights. Talk presented at the Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Linguistic Theory 1, Rethymnon, Kreta.
Pistoia Reda, Salvatore & Sauerland, Uli. 2017, September. Degrees of Analyticity. Talk presented at the Fourth Philosophy of Language and Mind Conference (PLM4), Bochum. Retrieved from https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/mam/phil-lang/content/plm_program_and_abstracts_04_09_2017.pdf
Sauerland, Uli. 2017, May. Modeling Syncretism Distribution. Talk presented at the Linguistic and Mathematical Workshop, Weierstraß-Institut, Berlin.
Sauerland, Uli. 2017, March. More on projection for Quantifier Scope. Talk presented at the Workshop “Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Presuppositions”, University of Genoa.
Elliott, Patrick & Nicolae, Andreea & Sauerland, Uli. 2017, March. Who and what do who and what range over cross-linguistically? Talk presented at the Workshop “Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Presuppositions”, University of Genoa.
Nicolae, Andreea & Elliott, Patrick D. & Sauerland, Uli. 2017. Sorting out who’s who: higher-order quantification and the interpretation of number cross-linguistically. Talk presented at the The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 53), Chicago.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sauerland, Uli. 2017. A filled gap stage in german relative clause acquisition. Talk presented at the The 42nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston University, Boston, MA.
Sauerland, Uli. 2017. Towards a Typology of Register Phenomena. Talk presented at the Workshop ›Social Meaning‹, ZAS Berlin.
Sauerland, Uli & Elliott, Patrick & Nicolae, Andreea. 2017. ‘Who’ and Number Marking: What Spanish and Hungarian tell us. Talk presented at the XPrag Dojo meeting, U Tübingen.
Sauerland, Uli. 2017. More on Presupposition Projection from Quantifier Scope. Talk presented at the Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Presuppositions, U Genua.
Sauerland, Uli & Mayr, Clemens. 2017. On Presupposition Projection from Quantifier Scope. Talk, U Wien.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sauerland, Uli & Alexiadou, Artemis. 2016, November. The Unmarkedness of Plural: Crosslinguistic Data. Talk presented at the The 41st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston University, Boston, MA.
Sauerland, Uli & Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2016, October. Conjunctive Disjunctions: Evidence for the Ambiguity Theory. Talk presented at the The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL 32), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Retrieved from https://www.iatl.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/iatl32_sauerland-yatsushiro.pdf
Sauerland, Uli. 2016, October. The Syntax and Semantics of Complementizers in Teiwa. Talk presented at the The 32nd Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL 32), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Bill, Cory & Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sauerland, Uli. 2019, November. Asymmetries in Children’s Negative Determiner Production. Poster presented at the The 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston University, Boston, MA.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sugawara, Ayaka & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, November. Effect of intonation contour on scope: hat vs. neutral contours in German. Poster presented at the The 43rd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston University, Boston, MA.
Bade, Nadine & Nakanishi, Ryota & Sode, Frank & Iida, Y. & Ihara, S. & Ebara, M. & … Sauerland, Uli. 2018, October. Japanese particles ‚wa’ and ‚ga’ as scope markers of EXH. Poster presented at the 14th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Tamura, Ayaka & Miyamoto, Yoichi & Sauerland, Uli. 2018, October. Rescue mo and ka: the PPI status of Japanese connectives. Poster presented at the 14th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics (WAFL), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Sauerland, Uli. 2018, June. The thought uniqueness hypothesis. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2018, Graz, Austria.
Meyer, Marie-Christine & Bade, Nadine & Ono, Hajime & Sauerland, Uli. 2017, September. Measuring Implicature Computation and Cancellation in Japanese. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of XPrag.de 2017, Universität zu Köln.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sauerland, Uli. 2017. Relative Clause production in German. Poster presented at the Generative Appraoches to Language Acquisition (GALA) 13, Palma de Mallorca.
Sauerland, Uli & Yatsushiro, Kazuko. 2016, November. Conjunctive Disjunctions in Child Language: A New Account. Poster presented at the The 41st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD), Boston University, Boston, MA.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Sauerland, Uli & Alexiadou, Artemis. 2016, October. Testing Plural Unmarkedness Across Languages. Poster presented at the 47th annual meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS), University of Massachusetts Amherst. Retrieved from https://umass2016.nelsconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/yatsushiro-sauerland-alexiadou.pdf
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Katsos, Napoleon. 2016, June. New Experimental approaches to the Maxim of quantity. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Meyer, Marie-Christine. 2016, June. Free Choice Inferences: A Priming Study. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Nicolae, Andreea & Sauerland, Uli. 2015, September. A contest of strength: ‘or’ versus ‘either or’. Poster presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 20, University of Tübingen.
Nicolae, Andreea & Sauerland, Uli. 2015, July. Levels of exclusivity. Poster presented at the 6th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2015, University of Chicago.
Solt, Stephanie. 2015, July. Faultless comparatives and the subjectivity of gradable adjective. Poster presented at the 6th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2015, University of Chicago.
Tomlinson, John Michael & Rodriguez-Ronderos, Camilo. 2015, July. Exhaustive and ignorance implicatures in partial answers. Poster presented at the 6th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2015, University of Chicago.
Yatsushiro, Kazuko & Katsos, Napoleon. 2015, June. Implicatures in production: Informativity vs. effort. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2015, Universität Göttingen, Germany.
Nicolae, Andreea & Sauerland, Uli. 2015, June. Priming scalar inferences. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2015, Göttingen.
Sauerland, Uli & Ahn, Dorothy. 2015, May. The grammar of relative measurement. Poster presented at the Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference (SALT) 25, Stanford University.
Gotzner, Nicole & Tomlinson, John Michael & Spalek, Katharina. 2015, March. The mechanisms underlying different types of (exhaustivity) inferences. Poster presented at the 28th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of Southern California.
Tomlinson, John Michael & Rodriguez Ronderos, Camilo. 2015, March. Implying exhaustivity and ignorance in partial answers. Poster presented at the 28th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of Southern California.
Nicolae, Andreea & Sauerland, Uli. 2015. Disambiguation and Priming: The Effect of Equivalence. Poster presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 20, Tübingen University.