Editorial Work
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Schumacher, Petra B. (eds.). 2016. Perspective Taking: A special collection of Glossa: a journal of general linguistics. Ubiquity Press. Retrieved from https://www.glossa-journal.org/collections/special/perspective-taking/
Spychalska, Maria & Reimer, Ludmila & Schumacher, Petra B. & Werning, Markus. 2021. The cost of the epistemic step: Investigating scalar implicatures in full and partial information contexts. Frontiers in Psychology 12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.679491
Rees, Alice & Bott, Lewis & Schumacher, Petra B. 2019. Event-related potentials in pragmatic priming. Neuroscience Letters 712. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0304394019305385?via%3Dihub
Schumacher, Petra B. 2019. Metonymy. In Chris Cummins & Napoleon Katsos (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics, 316–330. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-experimental-semantics-and-pragmatics-9780198791768?cc=de&lang=en
Schumacher, Petra B. 2019. Experimentelle Pragmatik. In Frank Liedtke & Astrid Tuchen (eds.), Handbuch Pragmatik, 113–121. J.B. Metzler. Retrieved from https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783476046239#aboutAuthors
Weiland-Breckle, Hanna & Schumacher, Petra B. 2018. A direct comparison of metonymic and metaphoric relations in adjective–noun pairs. Acta Linguistica Academica 65(2–3). 443–472. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1556/2062.2018.65.2-3.8
Gutzmann, Daniel & Schumacher, Petra B. & Gallmann, Peter & Habermann, Mechthild & Krifka, Manfred. 2018. Schnittstelle Semantik-Pragmatik. In Angelika Wöllstein (ed.), Grammatiktheorie und Empirie in der germanistischen Linguistik, 471–510. De Gruyter. Retrieved from https://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9783110490992/9783110490992-017/9783110490992-017.xml
Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2018. Focus effects on quantifier domains in a visual verification task. Acta Linguistica Academica 65(2–3). 417–442. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1556/2062.2018.65.2-3.7
Schumacher, Petra B. 2018. On type composition and agentivity. Theoretical Linguistics 44(1–2). 81–91. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/tl-2018-0007
Spalek, Alexandra Anna & Tomaszewicz, Barbara Maria. 2018. Complement coercion in Polish and the role of selectional restrictions revealed in a self-paced reading study. In Rob Truswell & Chris Cummins & Caroline Heycock & Brian Rabern & Hannah Rohde (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21, Vol. 2, 1141–1158. University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/sub/index.php/sub/article/view/189
Schumacher, Petra B. & Brandt, Patrick & Weiland-Breckle, Hanna. 2018. Online Processing of “Real” and “Fake”: The Cost of Being Too Strong. In Elena Castroviejo & Louise McNally & Weidman Sassoon Galit (eds.), The Semantics of Gradability, Vagueness, and Scale Structure: Experimental Perspectives, 93–111. Springer International Publishing AG. Retrieved from https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77791-7_4
Fadlon, Julie & Sassoon, Galit W. & Schumacher, Petra B. 2018. Discrete dimension accessibility in multidimensional concepts: The noun-adjective distinction. The Mental Lexicon 13(1). 105–142. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/ml.17011.fad
Schumacher, Petra & Brandt, Patrick & Weiland-Breckle, Hanna. 2018. The Semantics of Gradability, Vagueness, and Scale Structure: Experimental Perspectives. In Elena Castroviejo & Louise McNally & Galit Weidman Sassoon (eds.), Online Processing of ‘Real’ and ‘Fake’: The Cost of Being Too Strong, Vol. 4, 93–111. Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.springer.com/it/book/9783319777900
Schumacher, Petra B. 2017. Semantic-Pragmatic Processing. In Eva M. Fernández & Helen Smith Cairns (eds.), The Handbook of Psycholinguistics, 392–410. Malden/Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved from https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/The+Handbook+of+Psycholinguistics-p-9781118829509
Weiland-Breckle, Hanna & Schumacher, Petra B. 2017. Artist-for-work metonymy: Type clash or underspecification? The Mental Lexicon 12(2). 219–233. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/ml.16014.wei
Politzer-Ahles, Stephen & Holliday, Jeffrey J. & Girolamo, Teresa & Spychalska, Maria & Berkson, Kelly Harper. 2016. Is linguistic injustice a myth? A response to Hyland. Journal of Second Language Writing 34. 3–8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2016.09.003
Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Pancheva, Roumyana. 2016. Focus association and the scope of superlative -est. In Nadine Bade & Polina Berezovskaya & Anthea Schöller (eds.) 748–760. Presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 20, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen: https://semanticsarchive.net/. Retrieved from https://semanticsarchive.net/sub2015/SeparateArticles/Tomaszewicz-Pancheva-SuB20.pdf
Spychalska, Maria & Kontinen, Jarmo & Werning, Markus. 2016. Investigating scalar implicatures in a truth-value judgment task: Evidence from event-related brain potentials. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31(6). 817–840. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2016.1161806
Sauerland, Uli & Schumacher, Petra B. 2016. Pragmatics: Theory and Experiment Growing Together. Linguistische Berichte (245). 3–24. Retrieved from https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/buske/lingber/2016/00002016/00000245/art00001
Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Pancheva, Roumyana. 2016. Obligatory and optional focus association in sentence processing. In Fabienne Salfner & Uli Sauerland (eds.). Presented at the Trends in Experimental Pragmatics (TiXPrag1), ZAS Berlin. Retrieved from https://www.xprag.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/TiXPrag-preproc.pdf
Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016. Relative readings of superlatives: scope or focus? In Sarah D’Antonio & Mary Moroney & Carol Rose Little (eds.) 452–470. Presented at the Semantics and Linguistic Theory Conference (SALT) 25, Stanford University: LSA and CLC Publications. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3765/salt.v25i0.3126
Tucker, Daniel & Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Wellwood, Alexis. 2016. Decomposition and processing of negative comparatives. In Elena Castroviejo-Miro & Galit Sassoon & Louise McNally (eds.), The semantics of gradability, vagueness, and scale structure: Experimental perspectives,. Springer.
Schumacher, Petra B. 2015. Metonymie und Text. In Maximilian Mengeringhaus & Kathrin Schuchmann (eds.), Schliff Literaturzeitschrift N°3, 153–161. Düsseldorf: Edition Virgines.
Rees, Alice & Bott, Lewis & Schumacher, Petra. 2019, June. Event-related potentials in pragmatic priming. Talk presented at the 8th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2019, Edinburgh.
Schumacher, Petra & Knowles, Jenny & Krott, Andrea & Frisson, Steven. 2018, September. Processing Of Ad Hoc Metonymy: Evidence From Co-Registration Of Eye Movements And Erps. Talk presented at the 24th AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2018), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Retrieved from https://amor.cms.hu-berlin.de/~knoeferp/AMLaP2018/Program_files/AMLaP2018_proceedings.pdf
Fuchs, Melanie & Schumacher, Petra. 2018, March. Neural correlates of attentional (re-)orientation: The case of German demonstratives. Talk presented at the 31st Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of California. Retrieved from https://ucdavis.app.box.com/s/gxh3bz554mredu7pwyhmow0z7jz3j35q
Zappoli, Alessandra & Vespignani, Francesco & Baumann, Stefan & Grice, Martine & Schumacher, Petra. 2018, March. The processing of German pitch accents by Italian learners of German. Talk presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Universität Stuttgart. Retrieved from https://www.dgfs2018.uni-stuttgart.de/arbeitsgruppen/ag-2/AG02-Zappoli-et-al.pdf
Baumann, Stefan & von Heusinger, Klaus & Schumacher, Petra. 2018, March. The relation between prosodic and referential structure: Introduction. Talk presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Universität Stuttgart. Retrieved from https://idsl1.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/sites/IDSLI/dozentenseiten/Heusinger/Konferenzen/Praesentationen_DGfS_2018/Intro-AG02-07mrz.pdf
Schumacher, Petra. 2017, October. Do different types of cognitive effects reflect the diachronic stage of use conditions? Talk presented at the Meaning in FLUX 2017, Yale University. Retrieved from https://ling.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/Meaning%20in%20Flux%20abstracts.pdf
Spychalska, Maria. 2017, August. Neurocognitive evidence in the semantics-pragmatics interface debate. Invited talk presented at the Invited Symposium: Pragmatic effects on the composition of sentence meaning. European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP 2017), Hertfordshire, UK.
Spychalska, Maria. 2017, June. Speaker’s competence, hearer’s prediction, and the processing of scalar implicatures. Talk presented at the Workshop “Revising formal semantic and pragmatic theories from a neurocognitive perspective”, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Retrieved from https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/mam/phil-lang/images/abstracts.pdf
Schumacher, Petra. 2017, June. A neurocognitive perspective on compositionality. Talk presented at the Workshop “Revising formal semantic and pragmatic theories from a neurocognitive perspective”, Ruhr-University Bochum. Retrieved from https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/phil-lang/revising/program
Dimitrova, Diana & McElree, Brian & Schumacher, Petra. 2017, June. Speed an accuracy trade-off and their link to neural processes of meaning composition. Talk presented at the 7th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2017, Universität zu Köln. Retrieved from https://xprag2017.uni-koeln.de/sites/xprag2017/user_upload/DimitrovaMcElreeSchumacher.pdf
Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Schumacher, Petra. 2017, March. Focus structures and the processing of discourse congruence. Talk presented at the 30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, MIT, Cambridge MA.
Fuchs, Melanie & Schumacher, Petra. 2017, February. German preschoolers? comprehension of personal and demonstrative pronouns. Talk presented at the Anaphora Resolution in Sign and Spoken Languages - Theoretical and Experimental Dimensions, Göttingen Graduate School of Humanities. Retrieved from https://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/anaphora-resolution/546935.html
Schumacher, Petra. 2017, February. The time course anaphora resolution. Invited talk presented at the Anaphora Resolution in Sign and Spoken Languages - Theoretical and Experimental Dimensions (ARISAS), University of Göttingen, Germany.
Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Schumacher, Petra. 2017, January. The effects of Focus Association and of Contextual Focus on Discourse Coherence. Talk presented at the Workshop “Cross-linguistic Pragmatics”, ZAS Berlin.
Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016, December. Focus effects on quantifier domains revealed in sentence processing. Invited Talk presented at the 12th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Schumacher, Petra B. 2016, November. Online composition and reconceputalization. Talk presented at the Workshop on Word Meaning, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016, September. Quantity superlatives in Slavic. Talk presented at the Workshop ‘Most and more: Quantity superlatives across language’, University of Gothenburg.
Spalek, Alexandra & Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016, September. Reading times with complement coercion in Polish: The role of selectional restrictions. Talk presented at the Sinn und Bedeutung (SuB) 21, University of Edinburgh. Retrieved from https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxzaW5udW5kYmVkZXV0dW5nMjF8Z3g6NzFmNWZiNjFhNzJmMmY2ZQ
Jasinskaja, Katja & Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016, August. Dissociating the scalarity and additivity of EVEN – the case of ‘čak’ and ‘čak i’ in BCS. Talk presented at the 28th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2016), Bolzano-Bozen.
Spalek, Alexandra Anna & Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016, August. Coercion in Polish versus English: On processing of complex lexical content. Talk presented at the Workshop Referential Semantics at ESSLLI 2016, Bolzano-Bozen.
Spychalska, Maria & Haase, Viviana & Kontinen, Jarmo & Werning, Markus. 2016, August. Processing affirmation and negation in contexts with unique or multiple alternatives. Talk presented at the 24th annual meeting of the European Society of Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP 2016), St Andrews, Scotland.
Jasinskaja, Katja & Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016, May. Dissociating the scalarity and additivity of EVEN – the case of ‘čak’ and ‘čak i’ in BCS. Talk presented at the Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 25, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
Schumacher, Petra. 2016, May. Context as a guide for expectation and dynamic discourse construction. Talk presented at the Mayfest 2016, University of Maryland.
Spalek, Alexandra Anna & Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016, April. Coercion in Polish versus English: On processing of complex lexical content. Talk presented at the Workshop on Comparative Slavic Syntax and Semantics, University of Oslo.
Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Pancheva, Roumyana. 2016, March. Obligatory and optional focus association in sentence processing. Talk presented at the 29th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of Florida.
Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Pancheva, Roumyana. 2016, February. Obligatory and optional focus association in sentence processing. Talk presented at the Psycholinguistics Lab Meeting, University of Southern California, CA, USA.
Brandt, Patrick & Schumacher, Petra B. 2016, February. Effects of repairing illegal argument structures. Talk presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Konstanz.
Spychalska, Maria & Haase, Viviana & Kontinen, Jarmo & Werning, Markus. 2016. Processing affirmation and negation in contexts with unique or multiple alternatives. Talk presented at the Workshop on “Questions, Answers and Negation”, ZAS Berlin.
Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2015, November. Focus association revealed in reading times. Talk presented at the Semantikzirkel, ZAS Berlin.
Weiland-Breckle, Hanna & Schumacher, Petra. 2015, September. The role of perspective in the processing of speaker’s meaning. Talk presented at the Workshop on “Experimental Pragmatics” at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2015), Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL).
Frisson, Steve & Schumacher, Petra. 2015, July. Eye-tracking the ham sandwich: The on-line processing of contextually instantiated metonymies. Talk presented at the 6th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2015, University of Chicago.
Patterson, Clare & Schumacher, Petra. 2015, July. Investigating the effects of pronoun type and thematic role information on pronoun resolution: Eye-tracking evidence. Talk presented at the Workshop ‘Demonstratives and Reference Tracking’, Universität zu Köln.
Schumacher, Petra. 2015, May. Processing vagueness: The online comprehension of adjective-noun combinations. Talk presented at the Gradability, Scale Structure, and Vagueness: Experimental Perspectives, Center for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Spanish National Research Council, Madrid.
Hinterwimmer, Stefan & Weiland, Hanna & Schumacher, Petra. 2015, March. Perspective taking: An introduction. Talk presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS), Leipzig, Germany.
Patterson, Clare & Hagen, Johannes & Kehler, Andrew & Diego, San & Schumacher, Petra. 2020, September. A Bayesian approach to modelling German personal and demonstrative pronouns. Poster presented at the 26th AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP2020), online. Retrieved from https://amlap2020.github.io/a/134.pdf
Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Schumacher, Petra. 2019, June. World knowledge and the absolute-relative distinction in adjectives in offline and online processing. Poster presented at the 8th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2019, Edinburgh.
Frisson, Steven & Knowles, Jenny & Krott, Andrea & Schumacher, Petra. 2019, June. The espresso left: Using eyes with brains - Co-registration of eye movements and ERPs during the processing of ad-hoc metonymies. Poster presented at the 8th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2019, Edinburgh. Retrieved from https://www.xprag2019.ppls.ed.ac.uk/abstracts/frisson.pdf
Göbel, Alexander. 2018, March. Pronouns at the right frontier: Discourse structure affects accessibility of final appositives. Poster presented at the 31st Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of California. Retrieved from https://ucdavis.app.box.com/s/7xdku57b9t0u4mcl3yhmobo2bm23fpit
Dimitrova, Diana V. & Schumacher, Petra. 2018, March. Attentional cueing in non-canonical OVS sentences in German. Poster presented at the 31st Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of California. Retrieved from https://ucdavis.app.box.com/s/nwwbc9ifpl5qbknxv37oawptfm41z1r0
Bogner, Florian & Schumacher, Petra. 2018, March. Incremental processing relies on underspecified morphosyntactic information. Poster presented at the 31st Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of California.
Spychalska, Maria & Reimer, Ludmila & Schumacher, Petra & Werning, Markus. 2017, June. Scalar implicatures in the context of full and partial information: Evidence from ERPs. Poster presented at the 7th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2017, Universität zu Köln. Retrieved from https://xprag2017.uni-koeln.de/sites/xprag2017/user_upload/SpychalskaReimerSchumacherWerning.pdf
Tucker, Daniel & Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Wellwood, Alexis. 2016, September. Decomposition and processing of negative adjectival comparatives. Poster presented at the 22nd AMLaP conference, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 2016), Bilbao, Spain.
Spychalska, Maria & Haase, Viviana & Kontinen, Jarmo & Werning, Markus. 2016, August. Processing affirmation and negation in contexts with unique or multiple alternatives. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL 2016), London, UK.
Benz, Anton & Spychalska, Maria. 2016, June. Complexity and Embedded Implicature. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Weiland-Breckle, Hanna & Schumacher, Petra. 2016, June. The role of epistemic state in the processing of speaker’s meaning. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Spychalska, Maria & Roesch, Ludmilla & Schumacher, Petra & Vogeley, Kay & Werning, Markus. 2016, June. Scalar implicature and epistemic content. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Tomaszewicz, Barbara. 2016, June. Focus associators only, even and most in sentence processing. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2016, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.
Tomaszewicz, Barbara & Pancheva, Roumyana. 2016, January. Obligatory and optional focus association in sentence processing. Poster presented at the Workshop “Trends in Experimental Pragmatics-TiXPrag1”, ZAS Berlin. Retrieved from https://www.xprag.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/TiXPrag-preproc.pdf
Schumacher, Petra & Weiland-Breckle, Hanna. 2015, July. Are there traces of historical change in the processing of metonymy? Poster presented at the 6th Experimental Pragmatics Conference, XPRAG 2015, University of Chicago.
Weiland-Breckle, Hanna & Schumacher, Petra. 2015, June. On real and fake things. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2015, Universität Göttingen, Germany.
Spychalska, Maria & Schumacher, Petra & Vogeley, Kai & Werning, Markus. 2015, June. Scalar implicature processing in high-functioning autism. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of XPrag.de 2015, Universität Göttingen, Germany.
Schumacher, Petra B. & Weiland-Breckle, Hanna. 2015. Whom did you read? – On type clashes and word senses. Poster presented at the 28th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, University of Southern California.