We are happy to announce that the Steering Board of XPrag.de has selected five outstanding early career researchers to visit an XPrag.de project in 2019.
- Laine Stranahan, a post-doc at Harvard University, will join the project Pro3 in Osnabrück from January 8th to April 7th, 2019. Her research will be on “Modeling Listeners’ Online Adaptation as Bayesian Rational Belief Update”.
- Amir Anvari, who is a PhD student at Jean Nicod Paris, will join the project PSIMS at ZAS Berlin from April to May 2019. He will work on the empirical and theoretical aspects of gesture semantics.
- Sherry Yong Chen, a PhD Student at MIT, will join the project MUQTASP at ZAS Berlin from June 24th to August 31st, 2019. Sherry plans to investigate how Question Uner Discussion affects the interpretation of scopally ambiguous sentences.
- Camelia Bleotu, who is a post-doc at the University of Bucharest, will join the project SiGames at ZAS Berlin from July to September 2019. During her internship she will investigate the acquisition of epistemic modal adverbs from a game-theoretic perspective.
- Chiawei Wang, a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, will join the project InfoPer2 in Cologne from May 13th to August 4th, 2019. He plans to run a study on the German modal particle denn (then).