Annual Meeting 2018 in Graz

The Annual Meeting 2018 is organized by Lea Fricke and Edgar Onea from project “ExQ” at the University of Graz.

Time and Venue:
June, 11th – 12th 2018, Meerscheinschlössl, Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz

Each and each short-term collaboration project is supposed to present their results. Default is a poster presentation, however, like in the previous years, you can also apply for one of the talk slots. This year, we will start the poster session with lightning talks, 3 minutes each. For further details on submissions and presentations see Abstracts and Posters.

Warming-up on Sunday, June 10th at 7 p.m at restaurant Don Camillo am Franziskanerplatz, Neue-Welt-Gasse 3, 8010 Graz (Link to the map!)


Monday, June 11, 2018

Time Event
09:00-09:30 Registration & Poster and lightning talk set-up
09:30-09:40 Welcome
09:40-10:40 From experiment to application: semantics and pragmatics as a window to bilingual language competence (Abstract) (Slides)
(invited talk by Napoleon Katsos)
10:40-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-11:45 Experimental evidence concerning the exhaustivity of wh-interrogatives embedded under German wissen (‘know’) (Abstract) (Slides)
Carla Bombi, Lea Fricke, Edgar Onea and Malte Zimmermann (ExQ, Potsdam/Graz)
11:45-12:20 The influence of perspective taking on the interpretation of German demonstrative pronouns (Abstract) (Slides)
Stefan Hinterwimmer ( associate, Cologne) and Umesh Patil (Cologne)
12:20-12:50 All hands business meeting
12:50-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-14:30 Lightning talks for the poster presentations
14:30-16:00 Poster Session with coffee
  1. Contextual Modulation and Semantic Composition in a Bayesian Framework: Effects on the Telic and Agentive Components in the Lexicon of Concrete Nouns (Abstract) (BayesPrag@EEG, Bochum)
  2. Neural correlates of basic gestures in communication (Abstract) (BraiSiCo, FU Berlin)
  3. Temporal order, short-term memory and the processing of conjunctive sentences (Abstract) (ImpliPer, Cologne)
  4. Context dependent thresholds of absolute adjectives (Abstract) (InfoPer, Cologne)
  5. The Thought Uniqueness Hypothesis (Abstract) (Uli Sauerland, LISI, ZAS Berlin)
  6. Speaker Characteristics and Negation in Context (Abstract) (MoLCINS, Tübingen)
  7. Empirically approaching counterfactuality (Abstract) (ObTrEx, Tübingen)
  8. Reading quantified expressions in context: Does pragmatic surprisal or strategic attention allocation predict self-paced reading times? (Abstract) (Pro^3, Tübingen)
  9. Implicature of complex sentences: a comprehensive study and a model (Abstract) (SiGames, ZAS Berlin)
  10. Graded Biconditionality and Reasoning (Abstract) (SPOCC, Osnabrück)
  11. A prosodic production study of the German response particles ja, nein and doch (Abstract) (YesNo2, Cologne)
  12. An Experimental Investigation of Anti-presuppositions (Abstract) (Bade/Schwarz, short-term project)
  13. Combining EEG and virtual reality to investigate the processing of quantifiers and scalar implicatures in the context of partial information (Abstract) (Spychalska/Peeters, short-term project)
16:00-18:30 Guided city walk
19:00 Dinner at Landhauskeller, Schmiedgasse 9, 8010 Graz (Link to the map!)

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Time Event
09:30-10:30 Clause-embedding predicates and the empirical purview of projection analyses (Abstract)
invited talk by Judith Tonhauser and Judith Degen
10:30-11:05 Scalar implicature and negative strengthening in different types of gradable adjectives (Abstract) (Slides)
Nicole Gotzner, Stephanie Solt and Anton Benz (SiGames, ZAS Berlin)
11:05-11:35 Coffee break
11:35-12:10 Speaking of quantifiers: modelling the production of quantity words (Abstract) (Slides)
Bob van Tiel, Uli Sauerland and Michael Franke (MUQTASP, ZAS Berlin)
12:10-12:45 Experimental pragmatics: a probability-logical perspective (Abstract) (Slides)
Niki Pfeifer, associate, Munich
12:45-14:00 Lunch break (with steering board meeting)
14:00-15:00 Individual meetings with coffee
15:00-15:35 The influence of visual cues, case marking, and prosody on thematic role assignment in 5-year-olds and young adults (Abstract)
Julia Kröger (FoTeRo), Katja Münster (HU-Berlin) and Pia Knoeferle (FoTeRo, HU-Berlin)
15:35-16:10 Prosodic amplification and prosodic iconicity: Evidence from a social media corpus (Abstract)
Manfred Krifka, Susanne Fuchs, Cornelia Ebert and Egor Savin (PSIMS, ZAS Berlin)
16:10 Closing remarks